Refine one piece – Ode to a french horn


This is the second ode I wrote for my final execution. It was a lot of fun and I think I am improving in writing in rhymes. Now I need to design two posters. One will include the copy for the harmonica and the other one will include the copy that I wrote for the french horn here.

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Shortest stories ever- Hemingway challenge

  1. “Starboard!”. Collision. “We sink”.
  2. Air holes. “Pass the brown bag”.
  3. Horseshoe sounds. Tractor comes around the corner. “Grab the reins”.
  4. Vaccum cleaner. “Fuck, I’ll move out right now”. Sunrise.
  5. “Can you hear the church bells”. “Yeah, never liked her anyway”.
  6. Railway tracks. “Toot toot”.
  7. “It’s gonna turn red”. “We’ll make it”. Tree ahead.


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